BIO Turmeric-Turmeric whole

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Available from 3 to 5 days, Immediately available

Excellent quality, whole pure pieces of Turmeric root, organically grown, with strong aroma and intense taste.

Turmeric (yellow rhizome) (Curcuma longa) is one rhizomatous perennial tropical herb plant of the ginger familyZingiberaceaeIt is native to tropical Indian hinterland and it needs temperatures between 20 ° C and 30 ° C and a significant amount of annual rainfall for to thrive.

The plants are collected annually for the rhizomes theand some of them multiply during the next period.

When not used fresh, the rhizomes are boiled for a few minutes (about 30-45 minutes) and then dried in ovens, then ground into a deep orange-yellow powder, which usually used as seasoning in indian kitchen, at curryfor paintand and for give color at spices of mustards

India and Pakistan are major producers of turmeric. The Latin name of the turmeric plant, curcuma longa, comes from the Arabic word kurkum which means saffron-saffron.

Turmeric is also known as Indian saffron or yellow ginger in Chinese.

The word turmeric comes from the old obsolete French term terre – merite, which is derived from the Latin term terra merita, meaning “praiseworthy land” possibly because ground turmeric resembles precious mineral pigments similar to ocher.

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Available from 3 to 5 days










1 kg

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