Texas BBQ – Spice blend

1.8912.64 tax inc.

Immediately available, Available from 4 to 10 days

Store in a cool and shady environment, away from sources of heat and moisture. After opening, store in an airtight container.

Use spices and herbs to enhance the natural flavor of your ingredients, not to mask or hide them.
Many edible herbs and spices complement each other and can be mixed but we must avoid using too many different ones at once.

Use a dry spoon or other measuring cup to scoop out the desired amount of spice from the package.

Do not sprinkle the spice into boiling water or a dish directly from the package because the steam can reduce the strength of the spice that remains in the package and reduce its shelf life.

There is no general rule for how much to use. The acidity and effect of each spice varies depending on the type of dish, so it's best to start with proven recipes. Later we can adjust the amount of spices used according to our personal taste. In fact, there is a rule that : "in practice it will look perfect"!

When a recipe is not available start with a dose of ¼ teaspoon per 4 servings – about a pound of meat or two cups of gravy or soup.
Reduce the original amount to 1/8 teaspoon for stronger spices.

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